Speakers Bureau


Speakers Bureau

The Speakers Bureau program provides training and support to individuals managing mental health conditions who want to use their experience and their voice to help reduce mental health stigma.

This is an empowering experience for the participants, and it also teaches a wider audience how often this population is misunderstood, and what steps you (as family members, friends, or community members) can do to be accepting and supportive of mental health care in Denver.

We work with various groups, ranging from the Denver Sheriff Department to colleges and universities, to faith-based organizations, corporate offices, and more. We are happy to speak with your group to build awareness, help members of your community learn more about mental wellness and its importance, and share that it’s okay to ask for help when you are struggling.

For more information or to schedule a presentation, contact:

Danelle Herra, MBA
Volunteer & Outreach Manager
303.830.8805, ext. 113